Indian Railways Trains between Stations
Indian Railways Trains between Stations – Great Service Network for the Passengers

Indian Railways Trains between Stations | Image Resource :
Indian Railways is the most preferred carrier by the common masses in India. Millions of Indians every day use the railways to reach their loved ones. The railways services in India are a fully government owned enterprise and is called Indian Railways.
Indian Railways is headquartered at New Delhi, the capital of India. The Indian Railways was founded ostentatiously on 16 May 1853, when the first train took to the rails from Mumbai to Thane. Since that day, Indian Railways has seen exponential growth and is now the fourth densest network in the world. The Indian Railways is further divided into 16 subdivisions for ease of control and operations, some of which are Central Railways, Western Railways, Eastern Railways, Northern Railways, etc.
Indian Railways has 115,000 km of track across India making it one of the densest networks worldwide, and every metro, town and village is connected by the rail network in India so that people can always rely on the railways to get them to their destination. Indian railways trains between stations exist in multitudes, underlining the excellent services of the service.
Indian Railways Trains Between Stations Checking
There are many ways to know the name and numbers of different Indian railways trains between stations. One can go online to the IRCTC or Indian Railways website to check trains between stations or the same can be checked offline in the ticket booking office of the nearest railway station as well. Indian Railways has made information easy to reach for its customers.